Thursday, December 22, 2011

25 Days of Blessings: Dream Big!

          Hello, Good Morning, and Happy Holidays to all!  Yes I'm in a VERY good mood today.  Why?  Well this morning I discovered I have $200 dollars on a company health care card that I can use to pay my bills and its Thursday!  My last day of work until next Tuesday when I have a 3 day work week.  Saweeet! 

           But in addition to that I'm just in a good mood.  Everything is going well and I have no major complaints.  Did all my Christmas shopping and I must say I'm very proud of the gifts I got for the fam.  I'm so thoughtful ::pats self on back::. 

          In other news, I'm prepping for the New Year.  Every year around this time I go through my things get rid of old stuff I no longer use, throw out the unsalvageable and donate the rest to make room for the new.  So what is the new?  Well I'm in the process of putting together a vision board and discovered that I tend to dream big.  The good thing about it is that I'm fortunate enough to be able to have these aspirations and know that if I put in the right effort I can actually achieve them and for that I'm blessed.  

          What's on my board you may ask?  Well here's some of them!

Goal Weight: 130 Ibs

Au Natural:  Step up my natural product game

Grad School:  Get accepted to all my choices 

My Latest Obsession: Mr. Louboutin

A Motorcycle: Started bike, Kawasaki Ninja 250r Blue (or white)
New(er) Car:  The Nissan Juke
 2011 Nissan Juke Kuro Special Edition - Black


Dream big or small, but dream!  Aspirations and goals keep you moving forward.

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